Toby Keith Reunites Military Spouse During 'American Soldier'

Toby Keith epitomized love for America and its military, embodying country music's pride

Toby Keith epitomized love for America and its military, embodying country music's pride

Toby Keith's concerts celebrate patriotism and honor military family sacrifices

Toby Keith's concerts celebrate patriotism and honor military family sacrifices

On September 8th, 2012, in Houston, Toby dedicated his performance to military families

On September 8th, 2012, in Houston, Toby dedicated his performance to military families

As Toby Keith stepped onto the stage, anticipation filled the air

As Toby Keith stepped onto the stage, anticipation filled the air

Before "American Soldier," Toby invited a military wife on stage, her husband in Afghanistan

Before "American Soldier," Toby invited a military wife on stage, her husband in Afghanistan

Major Cruz, with a patriotic guitar, surprises his wife on stage, reuniting

Major Cruz, with a patriotic guitar, surprises his wife on stage, reuniting