Recap of Nashville Season 2, Episode 11.
Recap of Nashville Season 2, Episode 11.
The episode answered the question many fans had.
The episode answered the question many fans had.
Turned out it was Peggy.
Turned out it was Peggy.
White Scribbled Underline
Teddy ended
up dealing with the tragedy.
Teddy ended
up dealing with the tragedy.
Rayna launched Highway 65 Records.
Highway 65 Records.
Rayna wanted to release a song called Better Days.
Rayna wanted to release a song called Better Days.
Layla and Brent couldn't get a hold of Will.
Layla and Brent couldn't get a hold of Will.
Curved Dotted Line
Click here to find out more about the episode.
Click here to find out more about the episode.
White Frame Corner