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    The Miranda Lambert vs Christina Aguilera feud gets shut down before it gets good….killjoys

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    Christina Aguilera and Miranda Lambert

    Remember back in the day when our only true social media was Maury Povich, Jerry Springer, or the Today Show?  There was no DVR and most of us couldn’t program our VCRs so we’d gather around our TVs to check out the latest guests who were going to duke it out or at least give a severe verbal beatdown.

    If we were lucky the guests were celebrities and we got to witness firsthand that celebs were just like us and got into arguments and fights just like “real people.”

    Oh those were the days.

    Well now we live in a world of high-priced PR agencies with their countless minions who work their fingers to the bone trying to keep their clients PC and cleaning up any messes they might get into.


    But enter Twitter.  That wonderful, gossip-heaven-sent transporter of all things celebrity goof and oops. Celebrities get to speak their mind, let flow what’s really going on in their lives, and just generally drive their PR team to drink.  And yes, they even occasionally air their grievances with other celebrities.

    Country music is usually pretty tame when it comes to feuds and public arguments, but all that changed for one brief moment last night when our own beloved Miranda Lambert was Twitter bitch-slapping The Voice’s new Queen of Uncomfortably Tight TV Outfits, Christina Aguilera.

    And the gossip clouds opened up and the gossip angels sang.

    Anyway, the Voice host, judges, and contestants all tweet and interact with the TV audience, adding their own personal commentary on the show.  It’s pretty fun to keep up with.  Well last night Voice host Carson Daly tweeted about how Xtina had “stole the show.” Blake Shelton responded in his normal Blake-being-Blake way by tweeting “and my wallet, HUSSY!”

    Then Christina Aguilera tweeted (confused yet?), “Was Blake just about to make out w/Adam as he sang that song into his eyes?” and then continued with “That was some strange bro-mance sh*t! What’s been happening behind the cameras?hmmmmm”.

    Bromance!!! Them’s fighting words! (at least as far as gossip blogs are concerned).

    Miranda got involved in the friendly Tweet-athon and added: “wow. Calling all males: Please relieve Christina of her obvious Frustration before things get… ugly. Team Blake rocks:)”

    Then someone went for the jugular – in a friendly way, of course – and tweeted Miranda: “jealous bc ur husband said that Christina is the BEST SINGER HE EVER HEARD?”

    Umm, yeah.  Miranda then replied: “you should hear what else he says.”

    Oh, snap.

    So was that friendly or bitchy?  The gossip blogosphere wanted to know because apparently when men and women Twitter tease it’s all in good fun but when women do the same thing it’s totally obviously a catfight.

    Such Twitter double standards.

    Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on which side your gossip love falls), Miranda was just getting in on the fun.  After Christina’s fans went all pitbull on her, Miranda tweeted: “Whoa peeps calm it.  No one said anything mean about your girl xtina. Just cheering for my hubby:) every competion needs a good cheerleader:)” 

    Yes, the “feud” ended before it ever got started, but for a few moments it was fun.

    And, for the record, Christina A. doesn’t follow Miranda on Twitter so she may not even be aware that there was a faux-feud going on, although honestly, what fun is that?

    Now that the fighting’s over, let’s move on to the really important news….like Christina’s outfit choice.

    Seriously, I had trouble breathing just watching her.

    Hmmmm. Maybe Miranda was really just offended by Christina’s short shorts.  I mean I know I wouldn’t be too happy if one of my hubby’s coworkers showed up to work like that.

    Christina Aguilera short shorts

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